No classes on 5/5 & 6/30
January 13 - April 14
Sundays / 3:00 PM
January 13 - April 14
Sundays / 3:00 PM
Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the questions below to get the answers to common questions about my Bradley Method® series
How can I feel connected to you and my classmates since it's online?
Why should I take childbirth classes? Giving birth is natural.
What if I miss several classes? Is this okay? How do I get the missed material?
At what point in my pregnancy should I sign up for the course?
What if my doctor says I don't need to take a childbirth class?
I hired a doula. Do I still need to take childbirth classes?
only favors
the prepared mind.
~ Louis Pasteur
Answers to FAQs
1) How do your online classes work?
Classes meet LIVE online each week for 12 classes
For those who want a hybrid approach, I host 3 classes optionally in person - ideally one in-person class per each Bradley 4 week "trimester." Typical classes that meet in person are Class 4, Class 8, and Class 12, but we sometimes switch for group availability. The registration form will ask if you would like in person classes and how many.
It's an interactive class: you get to ask questions, give responses and share with me and other expectant parents.
It's an active class: It's best to learn by doing, so we do relaxation practice, labor rehearsals and practice a lot of techniques to help you with your labor and birth and to make sure your partner is best prepared to support you during this time
It's an in-depth comprehensive course: check out the course content to get an idea of what we cover in class
Benefits to a LIVE online course and why I'm teaching this way:
You get to learn in the comfort of your own home
Los Angeles is large and spread out. You don't need to spend time on the road for travel, deal with LA traffic or spend money on gas.
Without needing to travel to each and every class, it can be easier to fit the 12-week series into your schedule.
Couples who don't have a Bradley teacher in their area can take a Bradley Method series.
Avoiding respiratory illnesses: Lots of people still care about this after the pandemic
You practice in your own home where you are going to actually be for a good portion of your labor
Specific to my classes:
Class is a small size (no more than 8 couples) so you get to know and see everyone
If you need to miss class, it can be recorded and you don't need to miss important material
I send you instructions a day or two prior to class: what you need to have on hand and set up for labor rehearsals - this helps you take the reins as new parents
You get hard copies of our class handouts mailed to your home - yes, real copies you can hold in your hands!
Once you have completed the course, you earn your "Coach Card" - yes, this is mailed to you, too
2) How can I feel connected to you and my classmates since it's online?
Great question! Remember, class is LIVE and we are there for each other each week. In addition, here's what I do to create relationships between us and to help everyone have the chance to connect with one another:
We have a lot of discussions and sharing so you get to know each other (we are not just a bunch of faces)
We have breakout rooms in many classes
I host a Bradley class Park Days in the fall season, where you can spend time with me in person and be with other families who are taking and have taken my classes
For the families who are interested in having an in person class, I have been having up to 3 classes in person depending on what the class cohort wants. Attending an in person class at my home requires signing a waiver.
I am the last to leave in every class, so if you need to chat with me I'll stick around to connect with you.
You can also connect with me outside of class by text, phone or email.
I am available to check your exercise techniques and labor techniques if you need one-on-one attention; we can schedule time in person or on Zoom.
I have sign ups for complimentary Pre-Birth Check-Ins with me at the end of the course
3) Are taking childbirth classes even relevant anymore? Can’t I just find everything on the Internet?
Birth and early parenting are on a completely different experiential and processing level than time spent at the keyboard. Google searches are simply insufficient to prepare you for the journey you are embarking on and the enormity of your new job as a new parent. If we look only at the birth experience (and my classes cover way more than that, but let’s simplify here) and compare it to having to running a marathon (which is a good analogy) – Internet searching by itself is not going to prepare you for such an intensive physical, mental, and emotional event. In this regard, I don’t recommend pre-recorded online courses, either – people rarely complete them (about 10%) and you are missing the human element that is essential to positive outcomes. How is taking a completely pre-recorded course going to bring you and your partner closer? It is isn't.
This is all about human relationships, working with your nervous system (which operates on million-year-old programming and you can't fool it), and obtaining a deep internal trust and knowing – for you, your partner, and your baby. You are putting yourself in a very vulnerable position when you are not working with another human being who you trust and can reach out to. Classes give you structure and allow you the opportunity each week make sure you are dong the things you need to do to be ready for the birth experience and your baby. Besides, classes can be fun; Internet searching is not - I find it leads to an increase in anxiety.
4) Why should I take childbirth classes? Giving birth and parenting are instinctive and natural.
If you plan on birthing by yourself out in the wild and parenting away from society OR if you happen to live in a community that has a strong knowledge of all the natural processes that affect mother and baby and the wisdom to honor these processes and all the necessary social structures in place that new parents need during this major transition, then maybe it's not necessary to take classes because it's all ingrained within your community (I don't know where this might be in the U.S. and certainly not in L.A. Please contact me if you live in an amazing community like this - I want to know more!)
The truth is most of us birth and parent within complex modern societies that directly impact these experiences and which do not have adequate support structures in place. Current social norms and institutionalized medical practices most often undermine the dozens of natural processes that contribute to your and your baby’s well-being. It sounds like you have a good level of trust in yourself – that’s great! If this is so, you will really benefit from making sure you (and your partner!) have a thorough understanding what you and your baby need physically, mentally and emotionally as well as be armed with knowledge and skills so you really can birth and parent the way you want. Class will reinforce your strong sense of self-knowing.
5) Aren’t 12 weeks overkill?
Short answer: No.
Long Answer: The 12 weeks are based on scientific evidence for the length of time it takes to create new neural pathways in your brain. Marathon runners really do train for three months. I’ve worked with new parents for two decades and the number one thing discussed among professionals who work in the pre-and-perinatal psychology, infant health and well-being, and breastfeeding fields is the importance of quality prenatal education for parents for a good start for baby and for parents. As a parent for 25 years, I can assure you that the most painful experience of all is regret. The 12 weeks are essential.
6) What do you mean by ‘natural’ birth?
Natural birth is simply the normal physiology of the labor and birth processes. There are dozens of interlinking processes from pregnancy through the postpartum period that evolved over millions of years – they are amazing and powerful. I want you to understand these processes and to be able to support them for the best pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experiences. Most of my couples desire to have an un-medicated birth without epidural anesthesia (pain medication) and with minimal interventions, which is commonly viewed as a ‘natural’ birth.
7) What if I don’t have a natural birth, end up with an epidural, or have a c-section? Are you going to shame me?
That is such a great question! Thank you for asking. NO, i would never shame you. That is totally not my style (please see my testimonials and Google & Yelp reviews - I have many students who have had needed intervention who felt supported and empowered by class and working with me.) You are safe working with me; class is a safe container and energy field. This whole course is to lift you up. I want you and your partner to be prepared so that you can have the best experience possible and to be able to make informed decisions that support your parenting goals. We can’t control everything in birth and parenting, and I completely trust your ability to make decisions for yourself and your family. The most important thing is love with the goal of bringing you and your baby into relationship with each other – that is the foundation of health and well-being.
8) This sounds great, but I am going to miss a couple of classes. Is this okay? How do I get the missed material?
We meet for three months, so it’s pretty common for couples to miss at least one class. My classes are recorded and I will send you the recording of the missed class. If you have questions about any of the material you can reach out to me, or ask me next class.
9) At what point in my pregnancy should I sign up for the course?
Starting the course anytime between 20 and 26 weeks gestation is ideal. But, I have had many mothers who started class at 28+ weeks, too, and it works out fine. Sometimes people like to start a little earlier - that's okay, too. Contact me if you need more guidance.
10) So, I see you have PowerPoint. Is this just boring lectures?
A PowerPoint is simply my class outlines right there to share with you all. My visual learners love it and it affords the opportunity to use pictures as well as words. It keeps me on track and makes sure I don’t forget anything essential that I want you to know, or that we need to practice in class. In class, I also use the white board, we have discussions, share, play games, do lots of relaxation practice, physical hands-on practice for labor skills, and see videos. I use a variety of learning tools. It's not just PowerPoint the whole time. You are learning, but you'll also have fun – there are some good laughs.
11) Why are in-person classes taught from your home?
For a couple of reasons:
"It's the right price," as my mother would say. Renting space in L.A. is prohibitively expensive. Renting space would mean raising my prices – a lot - or be forced to cut necessary material (which a lot of other teachers do). I don't want to do this.
Free parking.
Environmental - One less car on the road.
Flexibility – if we need to reschedule a class due to my being at a birth or illness, we can work this out easily as a class without having to check in with anyone but ourselves.
Privacy and intimacy. We are not surrounded by other businesses and no one is trying to sell you anything.
Clean bathrooms – I know they're clean. I am the one doing the scrubbing.
12) What if I don’t have time to take a 12-week course?
I gently want to remind you that you are currently gestating a real live baby and will be giving birth to this beautiful child shortly. All current research points to this time being foundational for human well-being and health throughout the life span. You are literally creating a human being - your precious child - who will be part of your life forever. I have many types of couples who take my course – parents who are teachers, graduate students, therapists from a wide variety of fields, nurses, doctors, lawyers, tradesmen/women, and wide variety of professions - all busy people. They made time for their baby. If you don’t make time for your child, who will? Your baby is counting on you. Please look at the question that pertains to missing classes to see if this would help you. Please contact me if you would like help figuring out a solution.
13) What if my partner doesn’t want to take a 12-week course?
It’s hard to address this one if I don’t know the exact reason for your partner’s objection. Please call me if you want to troubleshoot this. Sometimes, partners feel this way until the first class, and then they realize how valuable class is and that sets them at ease. If your partner is a male, he may just think you’ve got this covered or someone else (like the doctor or the midwife) will handle all this and he doesn’t understand the full ramifications of what is about to ensue. So, let’s try putting the shoe on the other foot: If your partner was the one about to have a living watermelon come through his male parts and wanted both the living watermelon as well as his own body and mind to be whole and sound, you can bet he would make you take a 12-week course and would be willing to pay double. Am I right?
14) What do you mean by "husband or partner coached"?
The term “coach” was used by Dr. Bradley as a metaphor to help fathers (who were most often husbands in the mid 20th century) understand that their role was an active one during the pregnancy, labor and birth, and postpartum. Dr. Bradley liked sports and thought that this was an image that would help men understand that they were not bystanders or spectators. Who knew that the term “coach” would become such a hot commodity in the 21st century?
15) What if my husband or partner doesn’t want to be a “coach”?
If your partner feels nervous about being the sole support person during the labor and birth, this is totally understandable and normal. It will be important for you to have someone there who will be another source of support like hiring a doula, or sometimes some couples have family members take on this role (and they are welcome to attend class). Even if your partner doesn’t have to bear to full brunt of the role of support person for you and baby during labor and birth, this does not let him/her off the hook. As a father/co-parent there are still a lot of decisions to be made and a lot he/she can do to invest into your and your baby’s well-being. Having a partner who is overly afraid and/or ignorant of what’s going on is a liability. Most women I know expect their partner to have a near equal parenting role; if this is you, I suggest making sure you partner is well-educated so that he does know what do to. Not knowing how to support you and baby can lead to a lot of resentment down the road in your relationship.
16) What if I don’t have a husband?
All mothers and babies need support in order to thrive. They can’t do it alone. The term “husband” refers to a person in your circle who is committed to you and your baby – who will support you during pregnancy, labor and birth, and hopefully throughout this child’s life. This person is most often the baby’s father – it doesn’t matter whether you are married or not. Some of the teams in my classes have been same sex couples, mother and daughter, and cousins. Your support person can be your boyfriend, your partner, your husband, your sister, your mother, your wife – whoever is willing to be there for you and your baby.
17) Do I need to take a separate breastfeeding class, or do you cover this?
I do cover the basics of breastfeeding in my course, so you do not have to take another breastfeeding class. You are completely welcome to take a breastfeeding class outside of our course, if you would like to. It's important to listen to yourself and do what feels is right for you in order to feel prepared in a way that you feel good about. For some families, taking an additional breastfeeding course is a financial burden for them, so I incorporated basic breastfeeding knowledge beyond a typical Bradley® course because I happen to be well-trained and have extensive knowledge about breastfeeding (as well as personal experience as a successful breastfeeding mother myself).
18) What if my doctor says I don’t need childbirth classes?
Hmmm. Well, really your doctor is the only one who truly knows why they made this statement. In Bradley®, we are big on communicating with your health care provider, so you might want to inquire more from your doctor about the reasoning behind his/her statement. However, I also want you to consider this – throughout history, society and those in power have thought that women did not need to learn to read or do math, get an education or go to college, own property, work, or vote. When you do not have basic knowledge and freedoms you are left in a vulnerable position dependent on the ideas and beliefs of others. This is your baby and your birth, not your doctor’s. You live with the outcome.
19) I hired a doula. Do I still need childbirth preparation?
It’s great that you have found a doula to help support you during your birth! This is becoming much more popular and studies show that having continuous support during the birthing processes leads to better outcomes. However, your doula is not parenting your child. She is not in charge of your decision making. You are. She simply is not going to be able to teach you what you need to know as parents in one or two meetings before the birth. When you are well prepared and educated, you are then able to make the most of your doula because she can have effective discussions with you and work with you on a deep level because she can move beyond the initial stages of education.
20) Do you teach condensed classes?
If you do not have 12 weeks and need a shorter course or your schedule is challenging and a shorter course would be helpful for you, I do offer private classes to meet your needs. Private classes are the only shortened series I teach for the Bradley Method. I do not teach a shortened group Bradley® series for several reasons:
My contract with the Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth states that a Bradley Method® group series must be for 12 weeks. The "method" is the 12 weeks, which is based on neuroscience. I will not violate that intellectual property, nor the commitment I made.
Many of my couples do not have a doula and want to do the birth together – they absolutely must have the 12 weeks. If you do not hire a doula and/or you are planning to birth in the hospital, the only childbirth education I can recommend is a 12 week Bradley® series, whether you are planning a natural birth or not.
A shortened course means that I would have to leave a lot of material on the cutting room floor – you’ll never see it, never know it. You and your baby are too important for me to do that. So, I don’t.
It's a matter of honor and ethics
I love babies - I want the very, very best for each new soul who comes Earthside.
21) I don't have 12 weeks! What do I do?
If you found out about the group class too late, no need to fret. I allow couples into my class up to Week 4; so contact me to see if there is still room in the current series. PRIVATE classes are always an option and I tailor what we do based on the time you do have and your circumstances, all still using the philosophy and techniques of the Bradley Method.
22) This looks amazing! How do I sign up?
You can sign up here. I look forward to meeting you in class!
If you have a question and can't find the answer here, CONTACT ME.