No classes on 5/5 & 6/30
January 13 - April 14
Sundays / 3:00 PM
January 13 - April 14
Sundays / 3:00 PM

Preparation & Support
birth, breastfeeding and baby
Whether you're a first-time parent or adding another child to your family, you have embarked on a very important quest:
the very best start for your little one
This sensitive time period in life holds such incredible potential for your child as it sets the foundation for all subsequent development - just like the one upon which a home is built. You can help create a sturdy foundation for your child, which gives them the opportunity to reach their fullest potential in life.
Pregnancy is the time to invest in yourself and your family through education and preparation. You and your baby deserve the very best:
~ a healthy and connected pregnancy
~ a good birth experience filled with love and support
~ success with breastfeeding and bonding with your baby
~ a smoother transition to your new family life
I hope for you to feel inspired and empowered. Having the right information, tools, skills & understanding means you can move forward into your parenting role with confidence.
I believe in you. Take the time to prepare and get ready during this unique and very special time in your life. I know you can have a great start with your sweet baby!
With oxyt cin,
Childbirth Classes
You're having a baby ~
Are you wondering:
How can I feel confident going into my birth experience?
What can I do to have the healthiest & safest birth for my baby?
What do I need know to succeed at breastfeeding?
How can my partner feel engaged and prepared?
How do I have the best start for my family?
Pregnancy initiates an intense and profound period of transformation in your life. You hold the keys to a positive experience for you and your baby through preparation and education. Knowledge is power only when you can actively apply that knowledge and have spent time in practical preparation. A lack of knowing and a lack of preparation leaves you and your baby vulnerable. Being educated and prepared gives you the opportunity to make decisions that support your parenting goals. Gaining a skill set and understanding the language of birth and breastfeeding gives you confidence and enables you to take actions that can benefit your family for a lifetime.
You've embarked on the most important journey of your life
Educate yourself. Prepare yourself. Empower yourself.

From Susan's classes, Matt and I felt very prepared for a natural birth. A telling moment was the very day I was in labor, when we turned to each other and realized that we felt really calm about what was about to happen. We felt very prepared physically, and very educated, so that our birth experience was one of calmness and sweet excitement for our new little one...We were so fortunate to have ended up in Susan's Bradley® course, and can't image such a positive birth experience without the depth of education.
~ Ananda, Mama to Jane Elizabeth
We had such an amazing time working with you and learning the ropes of the Bradley Method®. It was so helpful to focus on nutrition during pregnancy, and to plan for labor and delivery. By the time we reached labor, we both felt like we were armed with the necessary information to handle that experience, communicate with the medical team and our doula, and navigate labor towards a natural birth. You were instrumental in all of this - your very detailed and interactive method of teaching was awesome! We just want to say thanks for everything!
~ Andy and Nadine, Parents to Rylee
(birthed during the pandemic )
Supporting your transition
to parenthood

Learn. Prepare. Connect.
Because bringing a new human into the world is a BIG job!